Couples and Marriage Counseling in Temecula, CA


You are exhausted.

You and your partner have the same arguments OVER and OVER again, without any resolution.

Sometimes you forget what it is you are even arguing about.

You wish that you and your partner could magically improve your communication and get back to a time and space when you loved talking to each other or just being in the same room together.

You look at your partner almost daily and wonder how you got to this place and  what it will take to return to “the good times”.

You miss laughing at each other’s jokes, holding hands, and sharing intimate moments. 

If you are struggling with any of these feelings right now, and don’t know where to turn or how to begin, know that there is help for your relationship!

Therapy with a couple’s therapist can be just the help you need to rebuild and renew.           

A lot of people seek Temecula marriage counseling or couples counseling because they can’t remember the last time they had a conversation that didn’t turn into a fight.

Sound familiar?

If so, you’re in the right place!

I help couples who are tired of arguing and who feel alone in the relationship find new ways to communicate with their partners.

If it feels like you just can’t get through to one another, even about little things, then it’s time to give couples counseling a try.

If you’re stuck in a relationship that feels like it’s lost the love, it may be time to seek couples counseling.

Marriage counseling in Temecula, CA can provide you and your partner with the tools you need to increase your communication and find your way back to the loving, romantic, sweet parts of your relationship.

Let’s bring back the inside jokes, late nights talking and being intimate, and that general feeling of wanting to be around your partner!

”I work diligently with couples by teaching practical skills to help foster and improve genuine communication, manage conflict, and reduce relationship stress to ultimately increase marital satisfaction and avoid separation and divorce.”

- Janine Piernas, LMFT CA


Most of the couples I see in couples counseling want to save their relationships. You don’t come to me because you want a divorce –

you come to me because you need help reconnecting. 

I provide a safe space for you and your partner to work through your relationship challenges. I don’t take sides, which is the beauty of couples counseling – you get to work with someone impartial who is trained to help you and your partner increase communication and rekindle the romance.

You can heal from this, you can grow and learn new skills to build your relationship. Of course it takes work, practice, and re-institution of trust and commitment, but I will be here to help guide you through it all if you take the first step and reach out for a free 15 minute consultation by clicking below.

Why Work With Me?

I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in Temecula and Murrieta providing marriage counseling in Temecula, CA. I’m not a “smile and nod therapist.” I ask the hard questions that encourage you and your partner to dig deep and find the root cause of your relationship challenges.

I’ll encourage you and model tools, but I don’t just tell you what you want to hear. In order for couples counseling to work, both partners need to be equally invested and ready to hear hard things.

While our sessions are important, the real work is done outside of therapy. You and your partner will learn to work together to overcome what’s holding you back from having the relationship you want or used to have. Your relationship depends on both of you trying your best and paying attention to what we discuss in sessions.

Although it’s up to you to do the work, I’ll be there beside you guiding you every step of the way. I may ask tough questions and be honest and direct, but I’m also empathetic and patient. I care about my clients and work hard to help them meet their relationship goals.


Why Temecula Marriage Counseling?

Marriage counseling could be what’s standing between fighting all the time and laughing together again. In marriage counseling in Temecula, CA, you and your partner will be equally seen and heard by a nonjudgmental licensed therapist. I’ll help you and your partner find each other again.

One of the areas that couples counseling can help with is sex and intimacy. Physical intimacy doesn’t just have to be sexual. Maybe you and your partner have stopped holding hands or touching one another. This is a form of physical intimacy that can go by the wayside when couples are struggling.

Often I see couples who are sexually frustrated. They can’t agree with how often they want to have sex. For some, the desire to have sex with their partner is gone. We want to figure out how to rekindle that romantic flame and increase intimacy.

Of course, intimacy isn’t just physical. Intimacy in relationships happens when both partners are open to communication. Sharing personal stories, feelings, and fears can be a form of intimacy. Another form of intimacy is sharing positive experiences that bring you closer together.


Marriage Counseling for New Parents

Having a child can take a toll on your relationship with your partner. It’s no longer just the two of you anymore. Some couples struggle with feeling like equal partners in the relationship after having a child. 

One partner might feel as if they are taking on all of the responsibilities at home while the other feels left out of the relationship and lonely. I help couples figure out how to manage their relationships after having a baby.

Stop Fighting and Start Communicating

It’s common for partners, particularly men, to have some difficulty identifying and communicating their feelings. Often they struggle to verbalize how they’re feeling. Then both partners get frustrated. The other partner may be trying to get the other to talk to them, listen to them, or understand them.

This is where I see a major breakdown in communication in a relationship. You’re both exhausted from all the fighting. You keep having the same arguments over and over. Neither of you wants it to be this way anymore. You may be asking “How did we get here?” 

In marriage counseling in Temecula, CA I help couples just like you earn back each other’s trust and mend a relationship that may feel broken. In our sessions, we’ll work on increasing healthy communication and building back trust.

It will take work, practice, and commitment to get to where you want to be. I’ll help you move forward into a new chapter of your relationship. I’ll be here to guide you through it all as you build the skills to improve your relationship.

 Let’s get started.

If you’re ready for Temecula marriage counseling, call now for your free 15-minute consultation to determine if we’ll be a good fit.