This workshop is perfect for couples who want more from their relationship, but don’t know where to start. 

Over this two day training, you and your partner will learn what makes and breaks a healthy relationship. The two of you will engage in private and concrete exercises to help strengthen your relationship and grow your bond long after this workshop is over. Couples will not be asked to share personal information with others in the class.

Exercises are designed to:

  • Improve friendship, fondness, and admiration 

  • Enhance romance and intimacy 

  • Manage conflict constructively

  • Gain skills to address perpetual and solvable issues 

  • Create shared meaning 

  • Maintain gains throughout a lifetime


Q. What is the format of the workshop?

A. Currently, workshops are held in person at 27576 Commerce Center Dr. Suite #204 Temecula, CA., 92590. The facilitator will provide short lectures on topics from the 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work book. Following the lecture couples will have an opportunity to complete an exercise that will teach them how to best implement what they’ve learned. Couples will work together only and are not required to share any personal information with the entire class.

Q. Does my partner have to come with me every day?

A. Yes. This workshop is designed to give couples the experience of completing various activities and exercises together in order to help improve the relationship and deepen your connection, in order to do so, both members of the couple need to be present.

Q. Do we have to be married in order to attend the workshop?

A. No. Although the title of the book says, "marriage,” couples are not required to be married to attend the workshop.

Q. Will there be time for us to discuss our specific issues with the facilitator?

A. No, this is an informational and experiential workshop. This is not couples therapy. In order to respect the time of the entire class, there will be no time to discuss your personal issues with the facilitator in order to receive feedback. However, if you are interested in receiving feedback regarding your relationship and would like more information about couples therapy, the facilitator will have referrals and information to assist you in beginning regular couples therapy.

Q. What does the fee include?

A. Each couple will receive their own 7 Principles Couples Guide that includes instructions for each exercise, space for note-taking, and bonus exercises that can be completed out side of the workshop. Couples will also receive a copy of The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work, book, and the Love Maps and Open-ended Questions card decks, and light refreshments.

Q. What happens if we miss a class?

A. There are no make-up classes available at this time. However, since you will receive the couples guide, just let the facilitator know that you will be absent from the class and they can walk you through how to complete the exercise on your own, at home.  Strict attendance is strongly encouraged as you won’t want to miss the opportunity to learn and connect with your partner!

Q. Can I just read The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work book and sill get the same results?

A. Reading the book is strongly suggested, as it includes great research findings, tips, and a few exercises for couples to complete. Just reading the book will not give you the same experience as attending the workshop. Most couples have the best of intentions when it comes to improving their relationship, however in our decade+ of experience we’ve found that most couples don’t always put the time and energy into completing homework or other marriage-building exercises because it’s easy to let outside responsibilities get in the way. Carving out the time allows you to avoid distractions and truly focus on your partner and your relationship.

Q. What are the odds that this will really help me and my partner improve our marriage?

A. Through their research on couples who attend the 7 Principles Workshop, the Gottman institute has found that couples who had all 4 negative patterns that have been shown to lead to divorce, present in their relationship and attended the workshop had a 75% chance of improving their marriage when both partners participated and were open to learning.